Anamnese, Massage, Ernährungsberatung & Kräuterpräparate
Medical history
We start our journey with a comprehensive medical history. The more I know about you and your issues, the better I can create an individual therapy plan for you. A comprehensive basic anamnesis usually takes 1 ½ hours.

Oil massages slow down the ageing process, eliminate tiredness and pain in the body, give healthy sleep and physical strength and prolong life.
(Swami Sivananda)
A soothing back massage that relaxes the back, shoulders and neck and helps to relieve tension. It provides strength and lightness and strengthens the back.
Effect of Prsthabhyanga
– Relieves back pain, relieves tension
– For intervertebral disc regeneration
– Helps with lumbago (lumbago)
– Relieves tension headaches
– Helps with rheumatic complaints
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 60 minutes (1 hour)
Warm oil envelops the body from head to toe. The massage cleanses and regenerates, brings about deep relaxation and helps to restore vital energy.
Effect of Abhyanga
– Nourishes and strengthens skin, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, whole organism
– Improves physical resistance & resilience
– Strengthens the nervous system
– Prevents the ageing process
– Deep relaxation, improves sleep
– Improves injury and pain tolerance
– Improves vision
– Reduces VATA
– Good for muscle tension and osteoarthritis
– Balances emotions
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 90 minutes (1 ½ hours)
Please note
Allow your body to rest after this very relaxing massage and avoid (mentally or physically) strenuous activities.
A gentle, relaxing massage of the face, head, décolleté, shoulders and neck. Exquisite oils regenerate and pamper the skin.
This massage has a calming effect on the entire body.
Effect of Mukabhyanga
– Nourishes the scalp, improves hair growth, prevents premature graying
– Relaxes, relieves stress, calms the nervous system, helps with teeth grinding
– Improves sleep
– Helps with tension headaches
– Activates and opens the senses (sight, hearing, smell)
– Prevents impurities on the scalp, dryness, dandruff, itching
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 30 minutes
Please note:
Partial massage, can be combined with other massages.
An intensive and very relaxing massage that relieves the feet and legs and balances the entire body. This massage gives you peace and serenity and helps you to ground yourself.
Effect of Padabhyanga
– Relieves fatigue
– Eliminates roughness, calluses, skin cracks and stiffness
– Gives the feet stability, strength and softness
– Relieves disorders in the tendons and ligaments of the foot (contractures)
– Reduces VATA
– Improves sleep
– Improves eyesight
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 30 minutes
Please note:
Partial massage, can be combined with other massages.
A dynamic full-body oil massage that takes into account the vital points (marmas) and the associated energy pathways (nadis). The long strokes and stretches stimulate the metabolism and strengthen the tissue. The immune system is strengthened and the entire body is harmonized.
Effect of the Kalari
– Strengthens the immune system
– Stimulates metabolism, reduces tissue (Langhana)
– Improves sleep
– Dissolves tissue adhesions
– Improves body awareness
– Makes tissue more supple
– Stimulates endorphin production
– Promotes relaxation
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 60 minutes (1 hour)
Please note:
This massage is very activating, the Indian sports massage, so to speak. You should drink enough after this massage.
The Garshana massage is a dynamic full-body massage with raw silk gloves.
Effect of the garshana
– Stimulates (fat) metabolism
– Reduces tissue (Langhana)
– Stimulates lymph & vascular flow, detoxifies – Connects body and mind – Beautifies the skin Detoxifies
– Connects body and mind
– Beautifies the skin
– Releases blockages in the energy channel system (Marma nadhi)
– Stimulates endorphin production (= happiness hormones)
– Reduces KAPHA
– Stimulates Agni (digestive fire)
– Makes you lighter, also in the mind
– Counteracts mild depression
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 45 minutes
Please note:
NO oil is used for this massage.
The Udvartana massage is a dynamic full-body massage with oil, powder and medicinal herbs.
Effect of the Udvartana
– Stimulates (fat) metabolism
– Reduces tissue (Langhana)
– Stimulates lymph & vascular flow, detoxifies – Connects body and mind – Beautifies the skin Detoxifies
– Connects body and mind
– Beautifies the skin
– Releases blockages in the energy channel system (Marma nadhi)
– Stimulates endorphin production (= happiness hormones)
– Reduces KAPHA
– Stimulates Agni (digestive fire)
– Makes you lighter, also in the mind
– Counteracts mild depression
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 60 minutes (1 hour)
A relaxing massage with freshly prepared herbal pouches. Deposits, tension and muscle blockages are released and the flow of energy is stimulated. (Please book in advance as the herbal pouches are specially prepared with fresh ingredients for the treatment)
Effect of the Pinda-sveda massage
– Promotes blood circulation and lymph flow in the skin
– Relieves chronic back pain
– Relieves rheumatic complaints
– Enables deep relaxation
– Releases blockages and muscle tension
– The energy flow (prana) in the nadis is stimulated
– Promotes deep sleep
– Helps with neurological complaints
– The herbal stamps activate cell regeneration , is therefore considered Rasayana therapy (rejuvenating therapy)
– Relieves pain caused by scoliosis
Duration and costs of therapy
– Approx. 60 minutes (1 hour)
– Additional costs for herbal bags CHF 40.
Kati-Basti is an oil application on the lower back (lumbar spine). It can be performed directly after a back massage or as a stand-alone treatment.
Effect of the Kati-Basti
– Elimination/relief of back pain (especially in the lumbar spine)
– Chronic disc disorders
– Sciatica
– Degenerative diseases of the spine
Duration and costs of therapy
– Approx. 30 minutes
– Additional costs for dough ring CHF 20.
The Svedana Box is an Ayurvedic steam bath in which the head is not exposed to the heat. After a massage, the medicated oil penetrates the pores even better. The steam can also be enriched with medicinal plants.
Effect of the Svedana treatment
– Makes the tissue soft and supple
– Stimulates detoxification of the body
– Stimulates metabolism, helps with tissue reduction/detoxification
– If preceded by an oil massage, the Svedana treatment helps with oil absorption, the oil can be optimally absorbed into the tissue
Duration of therapy
– Up to 30 minutes
Please note:
After a Svedana treatment, the fluid balance should be rebalanced. Drink enough water after the treatment.
Forehead oil pouring. Warm oil is poured into a Shiro Dhara pot and then the oil is poured over the entire forehead in a pendulum motion.
Effect Shiro Dhara
– Reduces stress
– Helps with sensory disorders
– Reduces headaches
– Helps with sleep disorders
Duration of therapy
– 25 – 50 minutes forehead oil pouring only
Please note:
I only offer the Shiro Dhara forehead oil pouring by prior arrangement and only in a 3-person subscription (three consecutive appointments within 3 weeks). The therapy is very profound. It is essential to take a break after this therapy. It is not recommended to attend further appointments afterwards. Please bring a terry towel for your hair and a head covering (cap) which may become oily.
After a marma point facial massage, medicated oil is dripped into the nostrils. The sinuses are cleansed via the nasal mucosa and the oil works throughout the head area. Nasya is a deeply cleansing treatment.
Effect Nasya
– Helps with chronic colds, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis
– Helpful for hay fever and blocked sinuses
– Helps with disorders of the sensory organs
– Reduces headaches and migraines
– Helpful for sleep disorders
– Reduces concentration disorders
Duration of therapy
– Approximately 60 minutes
Please note:
Your head should remain warm after the treatment. Please bring headgear (cap) which may become oily.
Please note:
Each manual therapy session is preceded or followed by a consultation, which is charged additionally depending on the time required.

Nutritional advice
“You are what you digest” is one of the basic principles of Ayurveda. Because food is our source of energy, from which our whole body draws strength and builds or breaks down tissue. I will be happy to support you in choosing the right foods for you, how to prepare them and other important nutritional tips.
Herbal preparations
India has a rich treasure trove of potent medicinal herbs, but healing plants also grow in Switzerland/Europe. I would be happy to support you in choosing the right medicinal plant products for you and your topic.